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Na dasIpad mit I <3 London passt ja garnicht |
Andaran atish’an,
Vor den Pfingstferien hatten wir in Be einen Fotoauftrag so eine Art...Projekt das wir am Montag abgeben sollten und ich hab mir gedacht das ihr die Fotos vielleicht auch gerne sehen würdet denn manche davon sind echt ganz lustig geworden :D

Sieht für das erste seiner Art nicht mal so schlecht aus, außerdem bin ich mir sicher, dass die Dales alle individuelle Tattoos hätten, wennes sie denn geben würde... ^.^
Da ich ja auch den tollen, in Dragon Age Elfischen gehaltrenen Gruß gegoogelt hab, hab ich euch auch gleich ein Paar weitere "Floskeln " dazu gegoggelt :D
Andaran atish’an (ahn-DAHR-ahn ah-TEESH-ahn): Enter this place in peace. A formal elven greeting. Literally: "I dwell in this place, a place of peace."
Aneth ara (AH-neth AH-rah): A sociable or friendly greeting, more commonly used among the Dalish themselves rather than with outsiders. Literally: "My safe place".
Arlathan (ahr-LATH-ahn): The major city of Elvhenan, original homeland of the elves, from the phrase "ar lath’an" meaning "I love the place".
Asha'belannar (AH-shah BELL-ahn-ahr): The Woman of Many Years. How the Dalish refer to Flemeth
Aneth ara (AH-neth AH-rah): A sociable or friendly greeting, more commonly used among the Dalish themselves rather than with outsiders. Literally: "My safe place".
Arlathan (ahr-LATH-ahn): The major city of Elvhenan, original homeland of the elves, from the phrase "ar lath’an" meaning "I love the place".
Asha'belannar (AH-shah BELL-ahn-ahr): The Woman of Many Years. How the Dalish refer to Flemeth
Dareth shiral (da-RETH shee-RAL): Often said by Lanaya in the Dalish Camp. Used as a "farewell" it means, "safe journey".
Elvhenan (EL-vehn-ahn): Place of our people. The name of the elven civilization before the arrival of humans in Thedas. Also could be translated as: "Our hearts".
Ma nuvenin (mah noo-VEY-nihn): As you wish.
Ma serannas (ma SEHR-ahn-ahs): Thank you.
Lethallin; Lethallan (leth-ah-LEEN; leth-ah-LAHN): Casual reference used for someone with whom one is familiar. Lethallin is used for males, while lethallan is used for females. Akin to "cousin" or "clansman" since "lin" is the word for blood
Elvhenan (EL-vehn-ahn): Place of our people. The name of the elven civilization before the arrival of humans in Thedas. Also could be translated as: "Our hearts".
Ma nuvenin (mah noo-VEY-nihn): As you wish.
Ma serannas (ma SEHR-ahn-ahs): Thank you.
Lethallin; Lethallan (leth-ah-LEEN; leth-ah-LAHN): Casual reference used for someone with whom one is familiar. Lethallin is used for males, while lethallan is used for females. Akin to "cousin" or "clansman" since "lin" is the word for blood
Halam (hah-LAHM): the end, finished.
Chrrrr! Haut ab, sonst werd ich zu ´ner Na´vi |
Hahren (hah-REHN): Elder. Used as a term of respect by the Dalish, but more specifically for the leader of an alienage by the City Elves.
Halamshiral (hah-LAHM-sheer-AHL): The end of the journey. Also the name of the capital of the second elven homeland in the Dales.
Hamin (hah-MEEN): rest, relax. Deconstructing: "mi": blade; "in": inside. 'Sheath your knife'?
Harel (hah-REHL): dreaded, frightening, causing fear.
Him (HEEM): becomes.
"Viran se lan'aan? Ir annala for ros... Nae! Ga rahn s'dael! Ga rahn! Ir emah'la shal! Ir emah'la shal!":
Spoken by the ghostly elven mother in the crypt where you get the
Juggernaut armour. See "Deconstructing Elvish", below, for details on
both ghosts' possible meanings.
So Lethallin, jetzt hab ich lust bekommen Dragon Age zu spielen, ;D Ich wer jetzt mal ein paar Templer verhauen ^^
Bis zu Nächsten Mal!
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