„You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to
learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as
he lives. „ ~Clay P. Bedford
Learning a language is a process, you couldn´t finish
it like a Cloze. It´s a way of learning
by yourselfe and getting instructions to solve the tasks. So you couldn´t say „
eight ist he perfect age to learn English, French or Russia.“ You shold make shure that your interested in. Children
dont have the possibilities to choose, they have to learn that language, wich is prescrbed in the Curriculum. Most oft he time
it´s English. Is it
really useful to teach our children languages in such an early age? I might be
useful, ´cause children can built up more new Synapses. That skill might be a
advantage. Learning a foreign language never ends, you have to use it. That is
one oft he main distinctions between Maths and a foreign language like French
or German. French for example, got a different textualisation to speaking.
That´s totally different. Eight year old have to learn such difficult languages
at Primary-School. My opinion is, that you coult teach „the-little-ones“ (how I
called the: three to 11-years-old) a basic knowlage. For example, an
English-Kindergarten was a great idea to foster them fom the age of 3 to 6 and
they get Skills that tehy can need to learn other or mor foreign languages.
They also can deepen Skills:
- they hear the language- (fosters athikulation)
- they get a basic knowledge of understanding in both languages (maybe English and German / French and English…)
So they get a commanding lead at
Primary-School. They dont have to train so much, ´cause they got the knowledge
– „learning-by-playing“. Without drill
and without the presure. You should train your English /French knowledge with
practical exercises like speaking or writeing. Not only in lessons, or while
doing the homework. Its a process, and processes are long-lasting. Nobody
sucsess a foreign language in the age of three. Bi-lingual-educated children
got a natural given advantage, ´cause they can use both languages. Languages are always a advantage. If you take
a cruise and travel to Hawaii, is a basic knowledge of Hawaiian a good
requirement to learn more about the cultur of the Hawaiians.
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Angelina :*